On the initiative of the President of the Taxpayers Association of Ukraine, Grigol Katamadze, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on October 14, 2022, another online conference «American Vision of the Ukrainian Economic Conjuncture» was held

On October 14 of this year, at the initiative of Grigol Katamadze, the President of the Taxpayers Association of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the third meeting of the planned cycle of discussions with scientists from MIT «American Vision of the Ukrainian Economic Conjuncture» was held on the platform of Taxpayers Association of Ukraine. This time, representatives of Ukrainian business, specialized non-governmental organizations, scientists, experts in economics and finance held a discussion with Simon Johnson, a professor of entrepreneurship at the MIT Sloan School of Management. In 2007-2008, Mr. Johnson was the Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund and is currently Co-Chair of the CFA Institute’s Systemic Risk Council. In February 2021, Mr. Johnson joined Fannie Mae’s board of directors. The main topics to be discussed were: «Economic security of Ukraine», «Recovery of Ukraine’s economy during the war», «Post-war strategy of economic development of Ukraine». Prior to this meeting, conferences were organized in an identical way with such outstanding professors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as Professor Devavrat Shah (September 6, 2022), with whom the possibilities of introducing machine learning and artificial intelligence into the defense infrastructure of Ukraine were discussed, and Professor Kent Larson (September 20, 2022 ), who expressed his expert opinion on ways of modern high-tech reconstruction of Ukrainian cities destroyed by the aggressor.
At the Conference, Mr. Johnson expressed his opinion on urgent problems such as: how Ukraine should deal with the debt accumulated during the war to international partners, the role of neighboring countries in this process, future prospects for the development of the Ukrainian economy, increasing the level of economic security during the war. Mr. Johnson emphasized that in the future, indemnifying Ukraine through the seizure of Russian assets will be one of the key factors in financing the reconstruction and repayment of the loan, and the American side plans to help Ukraine in this process.

Discussion was held between The President of TAU — Grigol Katamadze, General Director of TAU — Lyudmila Gerasimenko, Heads of territorial branches of the TAU and scientists, in particular, Zakhariy Varnaliy — Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Oleksandr Korystin — Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Roman Veresha — Chairman of the Council of UNGO TAU Territorial Branch in Chernihiv Region, Doctor of Law, Professor, Roman Kosynskyi — Chairman of the Council in Kyiv Region and Oleksandr Chumak — President of the Association of Private Employers.
The following format of events, initiated by the President of the Taxpayers Association of Ukraine, aims to cover issues of public administration, implementation of modern technologies, economic security and financial stability, local self-government and foreign policy, the post-war security system, the future of the European Union and many other issues.
The discussion took place constructively, in the format of a dialogue. All participants of the event were able to express their opinion on the theme of the event and identify promising issues for discussion.